Childcare Services

Temporary childcare includes any typical in-home babysitting for an evening out, to cover for an afternoon or entire day. It also includes any group babysitting needs, childcare for out of town guests, overnight stays or any situation that does not require a permanent in-home nanny or caregiver. Newborn care is provided in your home, typically at nighttime.


Permanent childcare, or Nanny Services include any regular, in-home care with a consistent caregiver. Instead of being charged hourly, a family pays a one time nanny placement fee which covers the cost of uniting caregiver and the family.


Click here to request service or call us today at (502) 895-9998 to learn more about how our family of caregivers is here to support your family.



Provider Rate
Varies Depending on Need
Cancellation Fee
Last Minute/Same Day Fee
Holiday Premiums
1.5 times hourly rate


 1400B Browns Ln, Louisville, KY 40207


  (502) 895-9998


  Mon-Fri 9-4


 [email protected]